

We commission ministries throughout the year during Sunday service. Teams are presented by sponsors and each team member dedicates their service. Examples of our ministries include the following:

Adult Choir

Conducted by our Director of Music, Jim Ferguson, the adult choir meets on Tuesday evenings at 7:30 p.m. from September to June, and sings an anthem at the 10:00 a.m. Sunday service. Additionally, the choir sings at Holy Day services, such as Ash Wednesday, Easter Eve, and Christmas Eve.  During the summer, the Sunday service music is offered by various individuals or groups from the choir and parish, both vocal and instrumental. 


Acolytes have a long tradition and history at St. Andrew’s. Youth in grades 3 through 12 serve this ministry.

Altar Guild

Our Altar Guild is a vital part of worship preparation and church upkeep.


Fellowship events include “deluxe” coffee hours, a “Happy Birthday Jesus” birthday party after our Christmas Eve service, Chocolate Sunday in February, Shrove Tuesday Mardi Gras Party, simnel bread on Mothering Sunday, and palm sandwiches on Palm Sunday.

Lay Eucharistic Ministry

Licensed Lay Eucharistic Ministers serve at the altar as Chalice Bearers and serve parishioners unable to attend church on a rotating basis.


In a tradition stretching back to the earliest Christian communities, lectors read the Scripture lessons during the Sunday worship services on a rotating basis. 


This ministry is responsible for cleaning, periodic maintenance and inspections, repairs and upgrades of the church building and grounds.

Outreach & Service to Others

Outreach and service to others are a cornerstone at St. Andrew’s. We have been designated as a mission hub by the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts and St. Andrew's hosts ProGente Connections, a mission of the diocese providing ESL classes in our building as well as being featured in the diocese's profile seeking our new Bishop. We hope to utilize this connection to enhance our connections to both the diocese and the local Brazilian community.

St. Andrew’s maintains our ties to Daniel’s Table, the Pearl St. Cupboard and Café, and we continue to support Family Promise, including recently purchasing groceries to provide dinner for client families. Outreach members collect non-perishable items for the food pantry at United Way of Tri-County, sing at a local nursing home, and knit and quilt for those who need love, encouragement, and acknowledgment. Additionally, Outreach supports the annual Christmas “Giving Tree” which provides gifts for many of the underserved in our community.

Our Andrew’s Angels ministry provides support to our parish through meals and rides. Several times a year, we hold church-wide collections of material goods and contributes to national and international charities.


This ministry drives the annual Stewardship Campaign and educates the parish about all opportunities for giving. This has included a recent and robust capital campaign.


The Worship Ministry meets four times each year and coordinates all aspects of worship life at St. Andrew’s including music, liturgy, and the worship schedule.

Ushers Ministry

Ushers support worship by greeting guests and congregants, presenting gifts and in many other ways that ensure an enjoyable service.

Some of the worthy initiatives we support…

A Place to Turn:
Provide diaper and diaper wipes

Boston Children’s Hospital:
Make and gift NICU Octopuses, baptismal blankets, blankets and wraps for patients and their families

Make various hand-crafted items which are donated to local organizations

Daniel’s Table:
Provide non-perishable food and volunteer

Faith in Branches:
Ecumenical gatherings at local senior living communities

Family Promise MetroWest:
Provide meals

Giving Tree:
Support three local organizations with Christmas gifts

Katie’s Quilters:
St. Andrew’s provides space for Katie’s Quilters who make quilts for Lutheran World Relief

Pearl St. at Park:
Provide non-perishable food and serve dinner

St. Andrew’s Food Pantry:
Ongoing food collection

Wayside Youth & Family Support Network:
Give Thanksgiving cards and gift cards for families

If you are interested in learning more, please email outreach@standrewsframma.org.


The Stewardship Ministry meets monthly, from September to June, and provides yearlong education about many kinds of stewardship.  In addition to implementing the annual Stewardship Campaign, the Stewardship Ministry continually educates the parish about opportunities for giving through long-range estate planning.


The Worship Ministry meets four times each year and coordinates all aspects of worship life at St. Andrew's, including music, liturgy, and worship schedule. The Altar Guild takes care of the liturgical vessels and linens, and prepares the sanctuary for all services. Though the Guild traditionally consists of women, everyone is welcome to serve.